I like NPR, or at least I used to when I was growing up. There was a lot of unique reporting that you couldn't find anywhere – stuff like flute making in Kazakhstan.
"We're here in a remote village on the outskirts of Astana, Kazakhstan with Kiril Kurobayev. [market chatter, distant muezzin, pots clanking] Kiril lives with his wife and three children and extended family ... [Kazakh dialogue fading to translator]"
Basically a science fiction short story, except it was real. The previous excerpt wasn't real; I just made that up for effect. Now NPR mostly pushes a hard left line. Not that it wasn't always leftist; it was. But it wasn't always so overt.* That used to be the style of right-wing radio. Good ol' right-wing talk radio. Entertaining in its own way. NPR might report about the four trillion dollar National Debt (under Bill Clinton), but Rush Limbaugh could make you get mad about how high it was getting.
Twenty years later, NPR is doing its best to make you mad about not increasing the National Debt past the nineteen trillion or so it is now. And the methods that NPR and the normally left-leaning media use are veering away from their older dispassionate stance towards emotional "win at all costs" propaganda. This bit of insight from a recent Intelligence Squared debate.
Ben Domenech:
... the things that were printed about Mitt Romney in 2012 in the New York Times by Paul Krugman called him a "charlatan," "pathologically dishonest," "untrustworthy." He said he didn't even pretend to care about poor people, that he wants people to die so that rich people get richer. "He's completely amoral, a dangerous fool, ignorant as well as uncaring."
Male Speaker:
Sounds familiar.
Ben Domenech:That's Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize winner in economics writing in the most prestigious newspaper in the US and possibly the world! I don't know if the WSJ said similar things about Obama, though I wouldn't be surprised.
If you cry wolf long enough, sometimes the beast actually shows up, okay?
And when that happens, they no longer had a vocabulary that could be used, because everyone tunes them out and says, "Well, you were saying that about this nice Mormon businessman, you know, four years ago."
But I'd be doubly unsurprised if Wikileaks showed active collusion between Krugman and the Obama campaign the same way the recent Wikileaks releases of the Podesta e-mails show the New York Times (et al) and even the Justice Department colluding with Democratic Party hierarchs to help Hillary Clinton.
It's not all bad since these releases presumably contain the truth, or at least what people really think is the truth. I'd go for a jab about private versus public convictions, but I don't think it's a big deal. It's even SOP in Japan and probably most European countries too. Except France, judging by the etymology of frank.
Most interestingly, the releases support a hunch I've had regarding our economic health. Things are worse than the headline figures suggest and that labor participation rates, contrary to what Matt Phillips over at Quartz believes, support this idea. But I'll spend some time showing why he's wrong in greater depth later.
* About the only NPR program worth listening to these days is Goats and Soda.
Also, why have the TED talks gone from introducing the public to genuine innovation and novel insights to vapid vaguely leftist pop-psychology? Everything else gets dumbed down so you'd expect the niche that the TED talks provide to flourish.
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